youth baseball skills clinic2017.docx
Get the edge on the competition. Challenge and improve your child’s baseball skills in preparation for this spring. The Galion High School Varsity baseball coaching staff along with the players will be set up and ready to help develop sound baseball fundamentals in the areas of pitching, throwing, hitting, fielding, and base running. All attendees will receive a Galion Tiger Baseball T‐shirt, personalized instruction, snacks, and opportunities for cool prizes and gifts. Bring all baseball gear (Glove, hat, bat, and helmet) and normal tennis shoes, No Cleats! We may go outside, weather permitting so be prepared. Bats/Helmets will be on hand to be borrowed should you need one.
Galion High School/Middle School baseball team apparel and hats will also be available for order/purchase.
You may also resister for this camp online at while registering for the summer league. A separate registration (see information on the back) can be done for Galion Youth Baseball League play. This registration is for the one day skills camp only.